I am on break at work, and I wanted to get this site started!

Like me you have probably been completely blindsided by the recent election of Donald Trump to the position of POTUS (President of the United States). It came as a surprise to everyone, aside from perhaps Trump and his closest advisers. Though however much they wanted it, I truly doubt such a victory was expected. The polls missed the mark. The media completely lost the plot. Our country is in pain, and we’re arguably more divided than we’ve ever been. This is what pushed me to starting this blog.

This was the first election in which I became truly involved inĀ politics. Though I have been reading up on politics through textbooks, online resources, and media outlets, I have never taken the plunge. This year, though, I became a volunteer. First for Senator Bernie Sanders (FEEL THE BERN!), and when he lost the democratic nomination I moved on to volunteering for Secretary Hillary Clinton’s campaign. This involved door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, and general “Get Out The Vote” stuff. Given the time, and effort I put into the election this year the result on November 8th was personally devestating. I am still processing what happened, though I have moved on to accepting Donald Trump as President Elect. That is the beauty of our country: the peaceful tarnsition of power.

That all being said, my first post will be devoid of wonkery. I wont dive into the demographic breakdowns of the election (see my twitter). Nor will I post my thoughts on the outcome. Instead, I will simply post a video. Since this is meant to be an educational blog, this will make you learn something so…sorry, not sorry. This is the first political video I remember seeing, from arguably one of my favorite cartoon series, “School House Rock” It’s called “I’m Just A Bill.” This shows the viewer the process by which a bill becomes law, and it is a fun take on the process. So sit back, relax, and simply enjoy some fun filled learning!

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